“War” – Lighting Installation in “Lux in Tenebris Festival” – Monastery of Ucles – Cuenca

Fundación Fernando Núñez – Monasterio de Uclés

Lighting concept, design and engineering

During the Festival “Lux in Tenebris”, artists from various disciplines have been invited to exhibit their works at the Uclés Monastery. The constellations of the installations have occupied the whole place and have constituted a unique setting for the development of the Mystic and Sacred Music Festival.

Pierluigi ‘Peggi’ Grassia has created and produced in the upper gallery of the cloister, a light installation entitled “War”, made of red micro lasers. The intention is to remember, at a time when the subject is hotly topical, the multitude of wounds that armed conflicts leave us.

“Lux in Tenebris is a mystical and avant-garde music festival that takes place between April 14 and 17 at the Uclés Monastery (Cuenca). It is an unprecedented cultural proposal in our country, since it combines music, theater and new era narrative to perform a contemporary staging of the Holy Week Services. It was born with the intention of becoming a focus on artistic and cultural innovation from Spain.”

Photo: © 2022, LaLAB