Archaeological National Museum. Phase 1 – Istanbul

Boris Micka Associates

lighting design and execution project of the 1st phase of the restructuring of the museum

The Archaeological Museum of Istanbul was opened to the visitors for the first time at the end of the 19th century. Currently, the Museum is undergoing a process of transformation into a new contemporary institution. This work includes the re-distributing more than 2.000 objects along 36 galleries.

This project unifies the contents presented to the public in a contemporary manner being respectful to the artefacts as well as the to the architecture. The project will introduce new display environments that make emphasis on story telling and have a comprehensive narrative that will make the visit enjoyable and interesting for all kinds of visitors.

DESIGN: Boris Micka

COMMISSIONED by TÜRSAB (Association of Turkish Travel Agencies)

TOTAL AREA: 6.700 sqm