Book Museum in the National Library – Madrid
Expociencia - Súbito Red Desarrollo
lighting design and execution project
lighting design and execution project
technical coordination and lighting design
direction and teaching
design, prototyping and first production
technical coordination
expository project in teamwork with client, general set-up and equipment supply
technical inspection and conference about the lighting of Fashion and Costumes Museum (Museo del Traje, Madrid)
technical direction and lighting design
teaching about lighting in "Scenic techniques applied to museums"
lighting engineer
reveal lighting direction
technical direction and lighting design
lighting design
technical coordination
lighting design
technical coordination and lighting design
lighting design and execution project
technical coordination and lighting design
technical coordination and lighting design
lighting design, executive projects, lighting equipment supply
technical coordination and lighting design
technical coordination and lighting design
technical coordination and lighting design
direction and teaching
lighting design
technical coordination and lighting design
lighting design
technical coordination and lighting design
technical coordination and lighting design
lighting design
technical coordination, equipment supply, production
lighting design